Frequently asked questions

Which currencies does JOIN currently accept?

Currently, we only accept payments in Euro (EUR), British Pound (GBP), and Indian Rupee (INR).

What are your fees?

Fees are 0.5% for swaps and 1% for top-up and cash-out transactions.

In which countries can I use JOIN’s Crypto features and services?

Initially, our top-up / cash-out services with fiat currencies will be available only in Europe (EU, EEA), United Kingdom (UK) and India. However, anyone can use JOIN Smart Wallet to store crypto purchased elsewhere or trade on decentralized exchanges for the best rates through our ParaSwap integration. Sign up with your email, and we’ll notify you when our crypto buying and selling service becomes available in your area.

What happens if I lose my private key or device?

If you ever lose your device, you can still access your funds by logging in on a new one.

But if you choose not to use the social recovery feature, it is crucial to keep your private key safe and never share it. Your private key is the only way to access your funds. If you lose your private key, we won’t be able to assist you in recovering your funds, as they are entirely under your control.

Can JOIN block my account if someone steals my private keys?

JOIN Smart Wallet is non-custodial, meaning we don't have any control over your digital assets like crypto, NFTs, or RWAs. You're the boss of your digital stuff. If someone swipes your private keys, they can take your digital assets from the wallet. If your private keys are compromised, it's a good idea to move everything to a different wallet ASAP. Also, make sure to reach out to our support team right away to let us know what happened.

Can I use a hardware wallet to secure my funds within the JOIN platform?

Currently, JOIN does not support hardware wallets due to the way our accounts are configured. At present, Ledger does not offer solutions compatible with our technology. However, there's good news: JOIN has enhanced our client protocols to create secure signatures using multi-party computation (MPC), the technology behind our decentralized API keys. This means our non-custodial blockchain wallets now provide hardware-level security at no additional cost!

Who has JOIN partnered with for fiat ramp services, and what credentials does this partner have?

JOIN has teamed up with Unblock. Unblock is an authorised VASP (Virtual Asset Service Provider) and provide both crypto exchange and custody services. They are also registered with the US Fincen as an MSB provider.

What happens to my money if JOIN goes bankrupt?

Regarding the digital assets in your JOIN Smart Wallet, our social recovery feature is based on two levels and will continue to operate even if JOIN suddenly goes bankrupt:

Level 1: You can define a backup wallet that will serve as a recovery option in case you lose access (e.g., JOIN Smart Wallets down, lost passkey, etc.). This can be done via an independent website or directly on-chain.

Level 2: Total account recovery through our partner DFNS. We will publish a site that will run independently along with the source code, allowing anyone to either connect and recover their account or take the code and use it themselves.

Regarding the money used for top-up and cash services, these services will continue to operate as we use a dedicated partner for this purpose completely independent of JOIN. Additionally, during a top-up, the money sent to JOIN is directly converted into stablecoin in your wallet. This ensures that your money does not remain idle in a traditional account, allowing you to always stay in control of your assets.

How do I get an account statement?

If you need your account statement, just reach out to our support team, and we'll send it to you.

How many blockchains does JOIN Smart Wallet support?

Currently, JOIN Smart Wallet supports Ethereum, Arbitrum, Base, Polygon, Optimism and Avalanche. We're continuously working to add additional networks in the future. Plus, our bridge feature simplifies moving your funds between different chains seamlessly.

JOIN us now!

Start using your JOIN Smart Wallet now: access the best of crypto directly from your smartphone at the best rates.

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